There’s no point in spending insane amounts of money on all sorts of cosmetics for your skin if you don’t respect it. That’s like carefully keeping some nice savings on your bank account while you still keep overusing your credit card. In one way you’re taking good care of your skin, and in another way you’re hurting it… your actions cancel each other out. In the end, your skin doesn’t benefit from it at all. It’s just common sense…
Most of the skin issues that we see in the mirror every day (wrinkles, pimples, acne, redness…) are not caused by the natural ageing process of the skin, but by external factors that can be avoided!
Just like you are in charge of your life, you are in charge of your skin!
These external factors (the sun, pollution, tobacco…) speed up the ageing of your skin like crazy. Your skin is a living organ. It’s not just some simple wrapping that covers your body like so much plastic film… no, it’s much more complicated than that, and a lot more interesting! I’ll address that subject in another article.
Unfortunately, your skin can’t talk. That would be too easy. It can only communicate in its own language. For example, if your skin is being harassed by an allergenic product, it will react and unleash a biochemical cascade of reactions to defend itself. All you will see on your scale is the inflammation it causes… and the problem is that you’ll bother it more and it’ll react even more, trying to tell you: hey, you! You’re nice and all, but please cut that out, you’re hurting me! And there you have an army of pimples and wrinkles and mess.
So now you know: before you worry about turning back the clock, making those nasty scars disappear, reducing that acne, or whatever other problem you might have, you need to reduce your exposure to those harmful influences.
Even those of you who don’t notice any particular skin problems should realise that, as with everything that relates to the world of living things, it’s not that simple. We’re all different, thank goodness, and each of us may have a different tolerance threshold for these external factors. And despite the aggressions it has to withstand, your skin may not be “saying” anything, or at any rate not express itself loudly enough for you to hear it, but the damage still accumulates over time.
And then one day, suddenly, your skin has “had enough of it” and you’ll have to deal with the consequences. This is typical in photoageing cases.
Just like your solar capital, you have a beauty capital that’s like a fixed sum of money on your bank account. You can spend it rashly without thinking about your future, but then one day you’ll wake up and think: oh, if only I had known!
I’m a strong believer in preventive measures, so my goal is to help you to slow down the ageing of your skin, lessen your skin trouble and most of all, optimise your skin health.
But don’t panic if the wrinkles are already there, there are still things we can do.
You have everything you need, so start right away! What’s stopping you? Time? You deserve to take some time for yourself, “you’re worth it”… (okay, that was an easy one.)
Money? You don’t have to be Paris Hilton to take proper care of yourself (sorry for that reference, but it was the first name that came to mind). Stop wasting your hard-earned cash on products that aren’t worth the bother and choose effective ones.
I’m going to teach you how to rank your products, how to evaluate a cosmetic product beyond the marketing talk. Make no mistake, marketing isn’t good or bad. It’s a way to promote an important product, and in doing that, there’s good and bad marketing…
So we’re going to approach these external factors as we go along. Some of them are well known, others are less so. It’s useful to know them in order to optimise one’s beauty routine.
If you would like to address certain topics in particular, don’t hesitate to leave a comment about it.
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